Monday, April 1, 2013

A Beginning in Seattle

Spring is here, and I hope everyone is able to spend more time outside and less time sitting in front a computer or being a slave to a smart phone.  I like being outdoors, so that's my excuse for not presenting new content on this blog since 2012. I was pleased to assist with the creation of this brand new front yard edible garden on a very sloping site in Seattle:

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Shortest Day

Leeks, strawberries, and kale in my front yard on the shortest day in 2012.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Detroit, Part 4

Potato plants carry on the automotive industry tradition!
The building in the background is unfortunately now a see-through building.  Because the city's ash trees are dying due to the Emerald Ash Borer, the city uses this now vacant land as a tree nursery for future transplants.

Nearby, surrounded by an expanse of lawn, there were raised beds and this long row of tomatoes, for selling at a market.

With another view of the butterfly and thistle, we now say goodbye to the Detroit blogs. Seeing the empty expanses and the endeavours to grow food in Detroit had quite an impact on me.  Cities are all so different, and they change and evolve.  I wonder what is ahead for Vancouver with all its high-end construction--what will survive and be viable in the future global economy?  If you want to learn more about Detroit, link here:   Urban Roots