Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Boulevard Boxes Going Viral

Math question: 2, 3, 4, 6...what number comes next in this sequence?  I came across these two sturdy raised beds, newly built on the boulevard, and the gardener couple said that neighbours told them that they were watching the development and considering having their own boulevard boxes.  Marigolds guard the chard plants in these neat beds.

In the same block, I came across three more newly built boxes along a sunny side of the street.  The boxes still were pretty bare, but those pumpkins will claim some space.

Turning the corner onto Collingwood Street, I saw four boxes, which I have seen before and included in an earlier blog (see blog of September 16, 2010).  This north south street has large trees, so these boxes are often in shade.  The sunniest box has admirable carrot plants.  Another box has potatoes and (probably) volunteer poppy plants.

Going back to the east-west street I came across six boxes!  Two of them have mini greenhouses that fit cleverly onto them and help to extend our cool growing season.  The open beds looked empty...until I spotted some wheat.  Perhaps this was part of last season's wheat growing project in Vancouver.  Note the attractive new garden shed in the background.

So, with four instances of boulevard boxes within a block of each other, two of which are new this year, there seems to be a little movement in that area of Dunbar.  2, 3, 4, 6... what comes next?

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